Steam-Age Tech


a Traveling Technology Workshop

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= Electricity =

Magnets, Motors and Generators

Generating and Harnessing Electrical Energy

Our modern world depends on electricity for just about every aspect of life. This program will explore the discovery of electricity and electromagnetism using a number of simple experiments / demonstrations. From these demonstration we will see how electric Motors and Generators were developed, and then we will review the astounding array of uses these for which these two inventions are used. Finally we will touch on the nature of electricity as one part of the electromagnetic spectrum and how Light, Radio, Electricity and Magnetism are all related.

Scientific Principles

Program Outline

[ Seminar Format Ca. 45 minutes ]
[ Workshop Format Ca. 90 minutes ]
Workshop Format has more hands-on time for the participants

Electricity - Experiments and Inventions

We Will have more in-depth time discussing

Discussions about the number and variety of products using motors and generators

Final discussion: the Electromagnetic Spectrum, how light, radio, electricity and magnetism are related.

Workshop Format will have Hands-On time working through stations with different models.

Page last modified on October 31, 2020, at 12:13 PM
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